5 Signs You Need New Residential Roofing

Residential Roofing Rosemeyer Roofing

How do you know if you need a new roof on your house? When you bought your home, you probably didn’t know how long ago the roof was installed (or whether it was installed properly). The current roof might actually be the original roof from when the house was first built! In today’s blog, Rosemeyer Roofing discusses five signs you need new residential roofing.

1. Granules

Asphalt shingles have a layer of granules on them that stick to the primary material of each shingle. These granules form the color and outermost layer of your roof. When these granules wear off of residential roofing, two things happen over time. You may see black streaks, stripes, or patterns on the roof. You could also find excess granules in your guttering when you clean them out every winter. Loose granules are a sure sign you need new residential roofing.

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2. Broken, Folded, or Missing Shingles

Check your roof after a severe thunderstorm or high winds. You may notice broken, folded, or missing shingles. A broken shingle looks misshapen as if it’s missing a corner. A folded shingle has a crease in it where the wind made it fold back on itself. Creases may be hard to see because the color and granules may be intact. Missing shingles leave a gap in your roof. Any of these three problems may lead to roof leaks and interior damage, and you might need new residential roofing if your roof is too old. 

3. Leaks

Your roof may leak, and you don’t even know it right away. Discoloration or sagging on your ceiling could indicate a roof leak due to age, storm damage, or faulty flashing near chimneys or skylights. In addition to new residential roofing, you must consider repairing the damaged ceiling and the structure between the ceiling and the roof.

4. Sagging

A sagging roof is never a good sign. Sags in your residential roofing point to structural damage beneath the outer layer of your roof. This may occur due to trapped moisture that weakens and rots the boards underneath the roof. You’ll need a new roof as well as new cross beams underneath, and you might also need ceiling repair and mold mitigation on the inside.

Related Post: Roof Repair Versus Replacement: What to Consider

5. Moss

Moss looks pretty growing on stone walls or at the base of trees. It doesn’t belong on residential roofing. Moss growing on your roof is another sign of trapped moisture. Moisture simply shouldn’t happen in a roof that’s newer and properly installed. Rosemeyer Roofing can assess the damage and give you an estimate for a new roof to get your home back in shape.

New Residential Roofing by Rosemeyer Roofing

Rosemeyer Roofing specializes in new residential roofing throughout southwestern Ohio and southeastern Indiana. Our team has nearly 20 years of experience installing new roofs, and we come by and give you a free quote on a new roof. Contact Rosemeyer Roofing to request an estimate, or call (513) 738-4992 in Ohio or (812) 637-2062 in Indiana for more details.

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